Monday, June 11, 2007


Exams are coming soon, and as you can see...

I'm hard at work, trying to study and make up for all the slacking I've been doing this semester.

I have a hypothesis that my brain is leaking, I fill it up with information, but it drains away insidiously. Silently. Discreetly. Which means, I keep forgetting what I learn, and I can't remember if I've forgotten to remember what I've forgotten, so I can relearn it and not forget it!!

People have a name for it: Goldfish memory. It has been proven that goldfish have poor memory, because when they sit for IQ tests, they are unable to hold pencils to write their answers, and so, often score zero for fish-intelligence tests.
Some fish, have fingers and are able to write and sit for exam papers. However, they're often hunted for their fingers, which end up in supermarkets. Fish fingers.

Talking about fish...

Two months ago, I went for an interesting trip to the Port Adelaide Fish markets with Hans, Eugene and Tah Wee.

It was packed with people (not only fish!), who were there early 9am in the morning, looking around for good deals on seafood. As you an see, humans weren't the only ones there searching for food; the pelicans were eagerly waiting for the fishmongers to throw out unwanted fish parts, like the heads and guts, before snapping them up.

Nope, you wouldn't want to snap this up (unless you want some delicious gastroenteritis :p). This is my agar plate from microbio session a few weeks back, where we cultured E. Coli bacteria on agar with Rifampicin (R) on the yellow side, and Ampicillin (A) on the white side. Can you see the colonies growing (they are small little circles)?

Someone's trying to act cool in her sunglasses :p

Me and Bee :) with her nice hat.

Last month was Leny's birthday, and we had dinner at Scuzi along Rundle Street, where we ate sumptous pasta and sang her a birthday song, together with a delicious strawberry cake and 4 candles! (Yes, the candles were alight... no we didn't eat them)


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