Thursday, May 25, 2006

X Men 3 !

I went to watch X Men 3: The last stand today at the cinemas at 12:10am!! (Thanks Lam for the tickets!) The action was amazing, but it didn't do justice to the characters! There was no character development, and so many major Xmen died, to provide a conclusion to the trilogy I presume.

And Rogue lost her powers!! All for some guy!! That is such a cheesy turn in the story! If that guy doesn't love you, then why bother to sacrifice so much for him? Who gives a damn, you're better off without him anyway. You can come with me! Yeah, Anna Paquin is sooo hot!! heh :p

Anyway I thought the Phoenix would play a larger role in the story, instead of merely killing off all our well-liked characters! The phoenix was guardian force of the M'Kraan crystal, which held the power to destroy the universe. Inhibiting Jean's body to defend the crystal during the galatic war of the Sh'iaar Empire, the phoenix boosted her powers tremendously. After the war, the phoenix turned evil, because it tasted human emotion and desire, and brought it to the extreme, destroying everything around her in pure passion and rage. Dark Phoenix nearly killed her fellow Xmen, and the Jean Grey within her realised she was a danger to the people around her, so she sacrificed her life on the moon, and the phoenix force, now emerging from Jean's broken body, was once again free from the influences of human emotion, and resurrected Jean Grey. Rebirth.

As the phoenix is consumed by searing fire,
blazing in the scorching pyre,
it is reborned from within the very embers and ashes,
gleaming with renewed passion and desire.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

6:50 PM  

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