Friday, June 09, 2006

My revision-deficient week

Today is Friday, the last weekday of a week devoid of study! I've been trying to focus, but that state of pure concentration keeps eluding my grasp, despite all efforts to attain it. During every attempt to absorb textbook knowledge, my mind inevitably wanders to my life these past few weeks, and there I am, powerless to control the unstable entity, losing all authority over my thoughts. What a mess!

Anyway, crap aside, I went Pullman's buffet at Skycity again yesterday afternoon, and had a great lunch there, eating succulent lamb chops and beef steak (actually both were pretty tough), crispy batter fish fillets, delicious spring rolls, and of course, who would forget the delectable desserts, like rich luscious chocolate cake, banana-caramel pie, mouth-watering chocolate mousse and many more. We celebrated Lam's birthday as well, which was so sneakily hidden from us this past year. Happy Birthday Lam! Yum yum. hahahaha. Great food, great morale boosting time, considering exams are just in two weeks! EEKS.

Watched an amazing World Cup opening in Germany, with all the excitment in the atmosphere. There were wonderfully performances, dances, and a parade of the past World Cup winners! Fantastic!


Tomorrow, I'll be starting afresh. No more wasting time in front of MSN, pining, longing, waiting, watching. It's -stupid-, and it has been wasting so much of my precious time the past few weeks. No more hanging on to old memories, wondering, hoping, praying. So stupid!!
Yay, I can't wait till tomorrow! Hopefully, the coming weeks will be as good as I'm hoping it'll be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jia you, keithy! :)

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey work hard! stop slacking like in sec sch le!

1:12 PM  

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