Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The start of my holidays!

Finally, exams are over, and the holidays have begun! Had a massive 8hour-cramp-the-whole-semester's-workload-session before my last paper for Microbio and Immunology last Thursday morning, before I slept at 6am, and got up an hour later to go for the exam. zzZZzz. Extremely draining.

Fang's birthday dinner at City Zen, a chinese restaurant in the city, was a great start to the holidays. Had a fun chat with everyone, and it was good to see them again, after the long study break and exam period.

Over the weekend, many people flew back to Singapore, including *ahem-naming-guity-parties-time* Eugene, Youwen, Lam, Fang! Hope they're having fun in Singapore, eating their pratas and chilli crabs.

I bought a new Olympus camera on Sunday, yay! More photos will be posted up as soon as I get the battery charged. (Yep, I've noticed the blog being devoid of photos for the past few months)
Yesterday, I played at a church memorial service, for a parishoner who passed away a few months ago. Since it was informal, I brought my keyboard to the church instead of using their organ, and it sounded amazing! Am very happy about it, and hope the other people enjoyed the songs.


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