Wednesday, June 21, 2006

MEQ Paper

Malcom's the patient with anemia,
from chronic colon cancer.
Michael's the one with myocardial ischemia,
presenting in a breathless manner.
Sarah's sister had viremia,
from her MMR vaccine.
That's why her mother
doesn't want her immunising.
One poor old lady had RA,
and had joint pains the whole day.
She ought to take DMARDs, I'd say,
or get her joints aspirated today!
Someone had a lump in her breast,
and had to go for a mammogram test.
She better get it excised, lest
it grows into a malignant mass!

That more or less sums up my MEQ paper for today. Made alot of careless mistakes, although I thought it went pretty ok, for the amount I actually studied before this. Hopefully next week's papers won't be that difficult as well.
Good luck, everyone :)


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